"We work and live to a great extent on the basis of digital technologies. However, our world is actually not made of zeros and ones, but of quanta." This statement comes from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Its content has been known since the beginning of the 20th century - through Max Planck and Albert Einstein. The BMBF goes on to say: "If the world is a quantum world, then quantum systems should be able to help us understand it better and organise it more efficiently - that's the idea of quantum technology." [1]
This is precisely part of our corporate philosophy: understanding and applying quantum systems. That is why we are involved in science and research in the field of quantum physics and drive the transfer of knowledge between science and industry. We do not conduct our research alone. We work with research teams from the fields of medicine, physics, sports, and nutrition science.
Study on the living object
Athletes drink vitalized water
In 2018, the Institute for Sports Science and Health Management (ISGM, Meppen), in cooperation with the Institute for Sleep Medicine and Interdisciplinary Sleep Research (ISIS, Münster), conducted a study*. Its subject: What effect does Beosigner® vitalized water have on autonomous regulation and regeneration? The objects of the study: athletes. The expected results were actually exceeded to a considerable degree. In the areas examined, the institutes were able to determine the following changes in the test subjects:
Read all the relevant facts for yourself along with the impressive results from the study entitled "Investigation into the effect of the Beosigner® from Vitarights Innovations GmbH on autonomic regulation and regeneration, Münster, 27.9.2018".
Effects of vitalized water
A year later, in 2019, we commissioned another study. Its title: "Investigation of the beneficial effects of vitalized water with cultured cells. In vitro studies on the effect of the Beosigner® from Vitarights Innovations GmbH". The institution: Dartsch Scientific, Institute for Cell Biology Testing Systems*, Study Manager: Prof. Peter C. Dartsch. Among other things, the study investigated the effect of non-vitalized and vitalized water on the basal energy metabolism of cultured connective tissue fibroblasts.
The results are just as clear as those from the previously mentioned study. The water vitalized with the Beosigner® provided a concentration-dependent increase in basal energy metabolism of up to about 40% at a concentration of 40% by volume. Put very simply, this means that wounds can heal faster because cells can regenerate more quickly. It does not matter whether the cells were treated with vitalized water or directly with the Beosigner® — the effect is significantly demonstrable in both cases.
Curious about the summary of the study?
Read more here: diagrams and photographs of microscopic views support the scientific statements.
In vitro studies
How the Beosigner® works on inflammation
In 2020, we also subjected the Beosigner® to scientific scrutiny. This time it involved inflammation. The study was conducted by Dartsch Scientific, Institute for Cell Biology Testing Systems,* Study Manager: Prof. Peter C. Dartsch. The title of the study is: "Investigation of the effect of the Beosigner® on inflammation-mediating cells. In vitro studies on the effect of the Beosigner® from Vitarights Innovations GmbH." Why did we choose the topic of inflammation? It quickly becomes clear when you know how significant it is. According to the Robert Koch Institute, around 40% of people in Germany were affected by at least one chronic disease in 2012. In their development and course, inflammations are the focus of therapeutic interest. Chronic diseases and autoimmune diseases show an overproduction of highly effective and aggressive oxygen compounds called free radicals. The release of free radicals also results in tissue traumatization and destruction. Inactivation of free radicals is crucial for alleviating and curing these diseases.
Read it for yourself!
The in vitro studies have shown that the Beosigner® succeeds in doing just that: free radicals can be partially inactivated, which has a positive effect on the inhibition of inflammation. You can find exact data and figures in the study summary.
We are grateful to the world of science
As this is a relatively new branch of research, we are grateful for the external interest shown to us and the institutes' professional support. This is entirely in line with the thinking of the Federal Minister for Research and Education, who emphasises and supports the value of academic freedom with reference to Article 5 of the constitutional law. "It creates knowledge. Knowledge that we need to understand the world, to shape it and to be able to exist in it," she explains, at the same time pointing out the responsibility that this freedom entails. [2] Under the motto "Knowledge creates dialogue", we at Vitarights are willing to shoulder our responsibility: findings and inventions should benefit everyone worldwide.
[1] German Bundestag, Framework Programme on Quantum Technologies - from the principles to the market, printed paper 19/4645, 27.09.2018. (Accessed on 18.01.2021)
[2] Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Freedom for Science. "The prerequisite for great discoveries". (Accessed on 18.01.2021)
*These studies were conducted with the High Tech Vitalizer, the precursor to the Beosigner®. All results can be transferred 1:1 to the Beosigner®. The Beosigner® offers an additional comprehensive concept, but the biophoton technology is fundamentally the same in both devices.
2020 - 2023 — all rights reserved
Eine Untersuchung des Instituts Hagalis belegt, dass durch die Vitalisierung die Ordnungsqualität des Wassers signifikant zunimmt. Die Untersuchung kommt zu dem Schluss: „Die Kristallisation in dieser Untersuchung ist recht regelmäßig ausgebildet und zeigt eine vollflächige Verteilung im Bildbereich. Während bei der Neutralprobe eine starke Konzentration im Randbereich des Bildes von 90° Winkelstrukturen und verdichteten Kristallen wahrzunehmen war, ist bei der hier untersuchten Probe eine wesentlich regelmäßigere Verteilung zu erkennen, die keinerlei Verdichtungszonen in größerem Maße aufweist. Erstaunlicherweise sind die 90° Winkelstrukturen und vor allem die Gitterstrukturen im Randbereich nicht mehr in dem Maße vorhanden, so dass davon ausgegangen werden kann, dass die Probe kaum mehr eine Elektrosmogbelastung aufweist. Offensichtlich ist es durch das Verfahren gelungen, die verschiedenen negativen Einflüsse von der elektromagnetischen Strahlung weitgehend zu neutralisieren und die Probe zu regenerieren. […] In jedem Falle ist aber auch die Bioverfügbarkeit der Mineralien gestiegen, die in diesem Falle durch eine größere Oberflächenbildung für den Verbraucher vorteilhaft erscheint. Mineralien, die eine gute Löslichkeit aufweisen und eine hohe Oberflächenbildung haben, können vom menschlichen Stoffwechsel wesentlich besser resorbiert und in den Organismus eingebaut werden. Dies bedeutet, dass das Wasser in jedem Falle sich regenerieren konnte und in seiner Eigenschaft als Nahrungsmittel eher geeignet ist, als die Neutralprobe.“
Institut Hagalis AG: Kristallanalyse, Vergleichsstudie: Wasserqualität. Überlingen 1.10.2002. Zum Wasser als Informationsträger vgl. Ludwig, Wolfgang, Albrecht, Hans-Jürgen: Wasser und Homöopathie. Die Bedeutung der Wasserstruktur als Träger von Informationen. Eine Forschungsbasis für die Homöopathie. Großheubach 2002. Kröplin, Bernd, Henschel, Regine C.: Die Geheimnisse des Wassers: Neueste erstaunliche Ergebnisse aus der Wasserforschung. Aarau 2016.