Basic vitalization
Every second the most incredible processes take place in our body. Stimuli are absorbed and processed, supplied substances are built up, converted or broken down, hormones are formed and released into the blood – just to name a few. Certain areas and systems of our body are responsible for this. And you yourself – sometimes more, sometimes less. This is because many things run autonomously and that’s a good thing. Our body normally knows its tasks very well. Sometimes however, it can use a little help, i.e., when we are stressed, eat unhealthy or sleep poorly. You probably know this as well?
Then it's time to support our body. Vitalize the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thymus gland and an acupuncture point in the abdomen, the sea of energy, as it is known, with the Beosigner®. These organs, or points, have a direct connection to meridians, pathways along which, according to traditional Chinese medicine, life energy flows. The meridians and organs are interrelated. With the Beosigner® you can influence certain organs and points via these meridians. Use the Beosigner® several times a day, not only when you have problems, but also as a preventative measure. Give each main vitalization point 15 seconds.
1.Vitalize your hypothalamus
The hypothalamus mediates between the hormonal and nervous systems. It coordinates the release of hormones or produces them itself, it is responsible for vital functions, hormone balance, the immune system and sexual functions. One example of its work is that the hypothalamus regulates autonomic functions such as circulation, blood pressure, sleep, body temperature or the ability to feel pain. The hypothalamus is well connected - both within itself and in the interbrain, brainstem and spinal cord. It is supplied with information via a large part of its connections. Based on this information, it aligns the hormonal axes and the autonomic nervous system. By now you have an idea of how important the hypothalamus is for you. So, support it with the Beosigner®. What's more, its effect on the hypothalamus can be scientifically measured and proven. One indicator for regeneration and relaxation is heart rate variability. It improves significantly when the Beosigner® is used. The Institute for Sports Science and Health Management (ISGM, Meppen), in cooperation with the Institute for Sleep Medicine and Interdisciplinary Sleep Research (ISIS, Münster), found this out in a study o the Beosigner® in 2018.
How to find the acupuncture point for the hypothalamus
The point responsible for the hypothalamus is also the highest point on the head. You will find it if you go from the tops of both ears in a straight line upwards over the head until the two lines meet. This is the apex, and below that is the hypothalamus. With this acupuncture point you can reach other important organs that lie on the same meridian, for example the thalamus and the pineal gland.
2.Vitalize your pituitary gland
The pituitary gland is controlled by the hypothalamus and is a hormone gland. It is important for the regulation of your body's hormone system. This means that the pituitary gland acts as an interface. With its help, the brain releases hormones. These hormones regulate bodily processes such as metabolism, growth and reproduction. There are hormones that act directly on other organs and hormones that stimulate other glands to produce hormones in turn. These other glands include the thyroid gland and the adrenal cortex. If the thyroid is out of balance, it affects us: when it is underactive, for example, we are no longer as efficient, our mood deteriorates, and we even gain weight. It is similar with the adrenal glands. They produce important hormones in the medulla and cortex, for example for maintaining a water and electrolyte balance and for metabolizing macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats). During stress, larger amounts of adrenaline are released, which in turn lead to further increased hormone production. If this system is overloaded, it can lead to fatigue of the adrenal glands - often resulting in burn-out.
How to find the acupuncture point for the pituitary gland
The pituitary gland sits in the middle of your brain, but you can still find the corresponding point quite easily. To do this, hold the Beosigner® against your forehead so that the emerging beam of light hits 1 to 2 cm above the bridge of your nose between your eyebrows. (Please avoid direct eye contact.)
3. Vitalize your thymus gland
The thymus gland is part of the immune system and belongs to the lymphatic system. In childhood, T-lymphocytes are formed in the thymus, which migrate to secondary lymphatic organs. There they multiply as needed. With the onset of puberty, the thymus shrinks, usually leaving only a small remnant. For this reason, it hardly plays any role in orthodox medicine anymore. Naturopaths see it differently: their approach is that the thymus gland is effective throughout life and benefits from being activated regularly. The immune system benefits as a result.
How to find the acupuncture point for the thymus gland
The thymus gland is located centrally behind your breastbone (sternum). Place the Beosigner® on your sternum so that the emerging beam of light hits four finger widths below the hollow of your throat. That is where the thymus gland is located.
4. Vitalize your "sea of energy"
The name comes from Chinese medicine, or more precisely from acupuncture. This acupuncture point is considered one of the most frequently needled points. And the beautiful name suggests what treatment of this point can do for you: provide energy. Do you feel weak or lack energy? Then vitalize your "sea of energy". By vitalizing this point, you also support the activity of your intestines, prevent food cravings, and influence the adrenal glands as well as the organs in the pelvis.
How to find the acupuncture point for the "sea of energy"
The "sea of energy" is three finger widths below your navel.
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Eine Untersuchung des Instituts Hagalis belegt, dass durch die Vitalisierung die Ordnungsqualität des Wassers signifikant zunimmt. Die Untersuchung kommt zu dem Schluss: „Die Kristallisation in dieser Untersuchung ist recht regelmäßig ausgebildet und zeigt eine vollflächige Verteilung im Bildbereich. Während bei der Neutralprobe eine starke Konzentration im Randbereich des Bildes von 90° Winkelstrukturen und verdichteten Kristallen wahrzunehmen war, ist bei der hier untersuchten Probe eine wesentlich regelmäßigere Verteilung zu erkennen, die keinerlei Verdichtungszonen in größerem Maße aufweist. Erstaunlicherweise sind die 90° Winkelstrukturen und vor allem die Gitterstrukturen im Randbereich nicht mehr in dem Maße vorhanden, so dass davon ausgegangen werden kann, dass die Probe kaum mehr eine Elektrosmogbelastung aufweist. Offensichtlich ist es durch das Verfahren gelungen, die verschiedenen negativen Einflüsse von der elektromagnetischen Strahlung weitgehend zu neutralisieren und die Probe zu regenerieren. […] In jedem Falle ist aber auch die Bioverfügbarkeit der Mineralien gestiegen, die in diesem Falle durch eine größere Oberflächenbildung für den Verbraucher vorteilhaft erscheint. Mineralien, die eine gute Löslichkeit aufweisen und eine hohe Oberflächenbildung haben, können vom menschlichen Stoffwechsel wesentlich besser resorbiert und in den Organismus eingebaut werden. Dies bedeutet, dass das Wasser in jedem Falle sich regenerieren konnte und in seiner Eigenschaft als Nahrungsmittel eher geeignet ist, als die Neutralprobe.“
Institut Hagalis AG: Kristallanalyse, Vergleichsstudie: Wasserqualität. Überlingen 1.10.2002. Zum Wasser als Informationsträger vgl. Ludwig, Wolfgang, Albrecht, Hans-Jürgen: Wasser und Homöopathie. Die Bedeutung der Wasserstruktur als Träger von Informationen. Eine Forschungsbasis für die Homöopathie. Großheubach 2002. Kröplin, Bernd, Henschel, Regine C.: Die Geheimnisse des Wassers: Neueste erstaunliche Ergebnisse aus der Wasserforschung. Aarau 2016.